Sunday, January 22, 2012

So far, so good

Well, I did not get to hold Gideon yet. He is still off the vent, but he is having to work very hard and his settings are at the max they can be. The doctor is trying to keep him off the vent so he tweaked the settings a little. SO for now we are off. Our prayer is that he will be able to stay off...we shall see. They will let me hold him when he is more stable. Just talked to the nurse and she said he is doing okay. It's still a possibility that he might have to go back on the vent, but he's holding his own right now. They did a chest Xray this morning and it looked good. Josiah is up to 28 cc's with his feeds and his nurse for tonight is not happy with him AT ALL.  He has pulled out his feeding tube 3 times since 6:00 pm. I think once was when the feed was taking place and made a mess in his bed:-) She said she can't keep his hands away from everything. That boy is going to wear us out! I can already picture the trouble that he and Isaac will get into! Good news for Josiah: the nurse said he might get to move to an oxygen canula (prongs in his nose) tomorrow! He has done so good on the mask. Both boys have eye exams tomorrow and Gideon will have a brain scan Wednesday. Please continue to pray for Gideon that his lungs get stronger and he can stay off the vent and that the brain scan goes well and shows improvement. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to be released to go back to work :-( and Rachel has blood work at Scottish Rite. Busy day and we'll swing by to see the boys too!

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