Wednesday, January 11, 2012

30 weeks OR 1 month

Today the twins are 30 weeks (gestational age) and tomorrow they will be one month old! Hard to believe. We have had some milestones this week! Josiah is doing fabulous! They are taking him off the vent today!!! Yea!!! This means we should be able to hold him in a couple of days after they see he is stable. He will have to wear a CPAP mask now which still provides oxygen but he is doing the breathing himself. He also got his IV out! Josiah is now eating 22cc's - the same as Gideon - and doing very well. He was awake when we were there the other night and he doesn't care for all the tubes and wires and he was trying to get rid of them. Believe it or not, I can't wait to hear him cry! Gideon's neural ultrasound was done this morning, but the doctor hasn't had a chance to read it. She said she would call me when she did and I'll pass along the info as soon as I can. The doctor told me Gideon had an episode and they had to bump his oxygen to 50%. She doesn't know if he has had a lung collapse or if he has pneumonia. They are running labs now and will go ahead and start antibiotic just in case. Hopefully they'll have results back from that by the time we go over this evening. Keep up the prayers! They are appreciated!

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