Friday, January 27, 2012

Great Expectations

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." Yeah, that was as far as I got in THAT book (and I may have it backwards). Anyway, that pretty much sums up life around here. The BEST is that I finally got to hold my Gideon!!!! He loved it too. He went right to sleep:-) I have that effect on people:-) The nurse put a heated blanket on him to keep him warm and the alarm on his bed went off, "Baby Too Hot". So we took that one off and put on a non-heated blanket- his temperature went up again. So we just let him hang out in his diaper! Guess I put off too much heat...that's why I'm always freezing.  Then Josiah's nurse wrapped him up and gave him to me. I got to hold them both at the same time!! Finally, reunited after 6 1/2 weeks! They truly have red hair. How does THAT happen??? Their great-grandfathers influence! So funny! Gideon did not have a brain scan this week. The doctors put it off until next week. The nurse and I agreed this was a good sign. Gideon weighs 2 lbs 15 ozs. He is down to 30% on his oxygen so he's finally getting the hang of the mask. Josiah is doing amazing on his canula. He weighs 3 lbs 8 ozs. They both look so much bigger already! The other BEST is that the suburban has been running for 3 days straight! Woo-Hoo!!! It even got us to Dallas and back last night.
The WORST is that Snoopy (the dog) is no longer with us. He figured out how to get the "cone of shame" off and no matter how many plastic sacks I put around his splint, he got them off. SO his leg got infected. It was not pretty. I took him to the vet for them to look at it and I'm afraid I was blubbering like an idiot when I left. I'm not even an animal person. I'm allergic to cats, I don't really get attached to dogs and the steers....well we know where they end up:-) So I think it was just one of those days. Anyway, I won't be showing my face in there for a while. They probably think I'm a little unstable!
I am thankful for the gift of everyday our boys have, because they get stronger each day. Thank you everyone for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you got to hold the boys! Another milestone! Praying for them each day...and you too. Love ya!
