Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Answer to prayer!!! Gideon's brain scan was slightly improved. This is good news! Thank you Lord! Now the doctor will keep track of his head circumference to decide when to do the next scan. If his head size remains normal, he will wait 2 weeks. This is all to determine that the fluid in his brain is draining as it should. Josiah's scan was fine. They will continue to move Gideon towards coming off the vent and are moving Josiah towards getting off his mask. The doctor is very pleased with their progress and once again they went up on their feeds. Gideon is at 24 cc's and Josiah is at 25 cc's. Today was the last day for Gideon to receive antibiotic and the nurse said he has had very little secretions when she suctions him. So he got his IV out (again). Hopefully we will get to go see them tomorrow night!
Another answered prayer: The suburban is fixed! Yea!
A third answered prayer: The dog's leg can be saved! I was really surprised when the vet said he could set it and splint it and he should regain use of it. Wow! Normally we wouldn't have taken it to the vet, but I wanted to see what they would tell me. I really thought they would have to amputate it, but it wasn't as bad as it looked. Snoopy was hard to get in the car but once I did he rode to town well because he had his buddy Isaac. Isaac (my 3 year old) insisted on sitting beside Snoopy and petting him all the way to town. Snoopy just laid his head in Isaac's lap. At one point I looked back and they were nose to nose. I'm sure there was some deep conversation taking place:-)
So a better end to a week that started pretty bad! Just a reminder that God takes care of us through everything from babies to vehicles to pets. He is an awesome God!

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