Sunday, March 11, 2012

Josiah's week

I have to give props to the NICU nurses at Baylor. They have a very demanding, 12-hour per day, job and they take care of the babies and the parents with a smile on their face. AND before they send you home with your little bundle of joy they get him on a 4-hour feeding schedule!!! Woo-Hoo! You can set the clock by this boy. He begins to wake up about 30 minutes before he eats, feed him and he either goes back to sleep or he'll stay awake for a while looking around. He's only had a few fussy moments when his tummy hurt or his feeding was late. Like the other day in Paris when we had the follow-up with the eye specialist. OH MY WORD! I walked into the waiting room and it was standing room only! The receptionist says "He's running an hour behind", but the nurse says "We'll get you in quick because I know he only wants to check his eyes because of yesterday's procedure." Great! So I didn't wait 1 hour.... I waited 2 hours!!! They don't want you to feed him in case he spits up during the exam and might aspirate, so Josiah went about 6 hours between feedings. He was NOT happy with me at all! The doctor didn't see any change yet, but saw no sign of infection or complications. But we made good friends in the waiting room with several folks. I mean, we spent a lot of time together....we bonded!
Tomorrow the boys will be 3 months old. Gideon is only on .01 on his oxygen, you can't get any lower than that. So hopefully this week he'll come off that and start taking all of his bottles. He is taking most of them, but every now and then still has to have some through his tube. They are getting him ready, so it won't be long now!

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