Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Update

Gideon weighs 5 lbs now!!! The eye surgeon came by last night while I was there, to check Gideon's eyes. He said they look great! He will continue to monitor him because the vessels are still developing and  he could develop problems at any time. I cuddled with them last night. They are getting so big! I'm amazed at how far they've come. Josiah weighs 5 lbs 8 ozs. He had another brady (dip in his heart rate) yesterday. He is supposed to go 7 days without one in order for us to bring him home without a heart monitor. I think it had been 5 days since he had one. Josiah no longer has a feeding tube so all feeds are by bottle and he's taking about 60 cc's every 4 hours. Gideon was taking a bottle today and got a little choked up so they stopped and gave him the rest in his tube. Rob has an appointment to get 2 bench seats put in the suburban, making it a 9 passenger vehicle. The fun never ends!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that both boys have reached the 5 lb mark, God works miracles for sure! Great news about Josiah's eyes, and the suburban! Lol
