Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a blessed day. I was so excited to get to go to church after 3 months of not being able to and Rob wasn't able to go thanks to a stomach bug he had. It's just not the same watching it on video as it is being there in person. What a Christmas blessing! I just called about the boys so here's the latest. Gideon is doing really well. He is tolerating his feeds very well. He was up to 8cc's yesterday and his doctor said he increased him again this morning. His nurse last night said he filled up his diaper! She wasn't sure how that tiny little diaper held it all! Good job, Gideon! They had taken him off the phototherapy light yesterday, but his bilirubin levels were back up, so he's back on it again. (Hence the roller-coaster effect) One day something is up, the next it's down. Josiah is another matter. His nurse last night said he was beating up on her when she was changing him:-) He did finally have some poop but he is also having some residuals from his feedings. Before they feed him, they see if anything is left in his tummy from the last feed. He has been having some left over and the nurse told me they are watching for anything green or yellow. Josiah has been having some light green residuals, so they did an Xray last night. His abdomen looked good, so they continued with feeds. This morning the doctor did another Xray and while it seems ok he ordered Josiah's feeds to be stopped until they can observe and see what's going on. Josiah is also not out of the woods of having to have the PDA surgery that Gideon had. We should know in the next couple of days what the doctor wants to do on that. The issue with Josiah's lungs has cleared up for now, but Dr Redfield said we are at least 3-4 weeks from being off the vents. Please pray that the issues with Josiah's tummy clear up so he can continue with his feeds.

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